Thursday, September 23, 2010

Can I Be The Old One ?

Nape aku bnyak berubah sekarang  ? oh God !
sometimes , aku tak kenal diri aku sendiri .
betol la ape budak2 tu cakap , aku sudah laen !
aku selalu moodymoody , cpt ‘touching’ tak tntu pasal .
setiap ari msty ade je probs , maybe ney balasan aku kot ?
dah2 , ckup lah babe ! aku mmg sudah laen .
kso , aku akn cube baiki diri aku if korang sudi bantu aku .
bukan senyap je bile aku buad salah . aku mintak maaf bnyak2 ngan korang .
aku bukan kawan yg terbaik untuk korang . qybah , thanks alod !
kau suda sedarkan aku . aku tamau hilang korang .
korang bnyak support aku , bg nasihat , selalu tegur aku
( yg keras kepala + degil ney ) if aku buat salah . tp skrg , semua sudah away .
firstly , aku mmg berubah , tp korang tak tegur pun salah aku kn ?
secondly , maybe aku tak sebaik yg korang sangka .
thirdly , aku tak layak kot mau jadi kawan korang .
fourth , thanks alod atas support korang selama ney . 
fifth , kso . aku akn stop ggu korang if tu yg korang mau .
tatau nak tulis apa dah , fullstop ! beybey ,

Thanks babe !

Babe , apa salah aku at kau ? cakap lah weyy ! jgn diam gini . macam mana aku nak betulkan salah aku if kau senyap je . oke , aku teme part yg kau cakap “so , aku tak lyan tu , aku dah tak pduli kat kau” . besar sgt kot salah aku at kau kn ? maybe aku tak pandai nak jaga hati & perasaan kau . sorry babe ! im not the best buddy for you . time kte kua ramai2 tu , kau okeh jer . happy2 , snap pict sama2 . hari pertama scola , aku perasan , kau suda laen dgn aku . kso , aku pun diam je . aku tataw kau jadi cmney sebab aku . aku cube tegur2 kau , tanya probs kau . tpi kau lgsung tak ckp kn ? hmm , maybe kau perlukan masa kot nak maafkn aku ? babe , so sorry lah . nape kau ckp aku suda laen ? tape , btol kot ape kau ckp tu .  beb , papepun yg brlaku , aku ttp syg kau lah . aku akn stop ggu kau if tu yg kau mau , fullstop ! beybey ,

Saturday, September 18, 2010

20 thing Girls want Guy to know .

  • We love when yu cuddle with us .
  • A kiss on tha cheek is a definite yes .
  • We want yu to put yur arm around us at tha movies .
  • We dont care if yu are tha strongest guy in tha world .
  • Size doesnt matter , kso dont tell us .
  • We dont always look our best , kso get over it .
  • We shouldnt have to plan everything .
  • We are always ready to talk , kso call us .
  • We are not perfect , kso deal with it .
  • We love suprises .
  • Tha little things yu do mean tha most .
  • We are not always girly girl .
  • We can be like boy too .
  • Cursing & fighting dont impress us .
  • Dont be mean to us to get our attention .
  • Dont tell us who is hot because we dont care .
  • We can tell when yur not listening , kso listen up .
  • When we say we are cold , thats our invitation to come closer .
  • Hugs mean more sometimes .
  • We need yur advice sometimes so dont be afraid to give it to us .

p/s : credits to sis Amanda <3

My Endless Love .

I want a guy , who would take care of me at tha mall and make tha girls jealous .
I want a guy , who would sing to me at tha sweetest moments .
I want a guy , who would get mad at someone if they are teasing me .
I want a guy , who would call me 3 times a day if he went away .
I want a guy , who would let me gossip to him and would just smile and agree with everything I said .
I want a guy , who would make fun of me just to make me laugh .
And he would take me to tha park and  put his hand around my waist and give me big bear hugs all tha time .
He would tell his friend about me and smile when he did it .
He would never be afraid to say “I Love You” in front of his friends .
And he would make me laugh like no one else could .
But mostly , I want someone who would be my bestfriend and would never break my heart .

p/s : bee , idontmind if you are not in tha list . its because , my heart is always foo yu .

Friday, September 17, 2010

awak na tau ape prasaan sy bile awk buad sy cmtu ?

I was born tha day I met yu , lived a while when yu loved me, died a little when we broke apart .
I cant talk 2 yu anymore ,  its not that Im mad at yu , its just that when I talk 2 yu , I realize how much I love yu n when I realize how much I love yu , I realize I cant hav yu n that makes me love yu even more . Im not supposed 2 love yu , Im not supposed 2 care, Im not supposed 2 live my life wishing you were there. Im not supposed 2 wonder where yu are or what youre doing , but I cant help it , cause Im in love with you .

p/s : credits to sis amanda <3

A Friend .

Accepts you as you are .
Believes in you .
Calls you just to say , HI !
Doesn't give up on you .
Eenvisions the whole of you .  
Forgives your mistakes
Gives unconditionally .
Helps you .
Invites you . Just 'be' with you . 
Keeps you close at heart . 
Loves you for who you are . 
Makes a difference in your life . 
Never judges . 
Offers support . 
Picks you up . 
Quiets your fears .
Raises your spirits . 
Says nice things about you .
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it .
Understands you . 
Values you . 
Walks beside you . 
X-plain things you dont understand .
Yells when you wont listen and 
Zaps you back to reality .

p/s  : Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born by Anais Nin . 

saya sayang awak si jantung hati x'))

Dey'all hairan nape kte still b'sama . dey'all ckp , im deserve to get tha better one . sy cume mmpu snyum je . mgkn awk ta s'kacak llaki lain . tpi sy tak tpu . awk mmg baik . kdang2 angin bran awk dtg tak kre mse . kdg2 2 ade jgak trase dgn awk . tpi sy nak awk tau . s'kasar mne pun awk , ble kte gduh , air mata awk msti mngalir . sy tak kesah kalau awk ta kacak . tpi bg sy , awk yg plg comel . biarpun awk sorang yg bran , tpi sifat2 romantik 2 ttp ade . sy tak kesah ape org mau kate . Yg pntg , sy knal SAYANG sy . awk , cube hyati lirik lgu ni .

Untuk kali ke seratus lima puluh juta
Mereka tanyakan engkau soalan yang sama
"Eh kenapa kau masih lagi mahukan dia?"
"Apa kau buta? Apa kau pura-pura suka?"

Di seratus lima puluh juta kali itu
Di depan semua engkau tarik tangan aku
Yang sedang buat muka kosong tak ambil tahu
Sambil ketawa engkau bilang satu per satu

"Dia mungkin bengis seperti singa"
"Tapi dia nangis tonton cerita Korea"
"Dia mungkin keras bila bersuara"
"Tapi dia jelas, jujur apa adanya"
"Aku lagi kenal dia..."

Dah lebih seratus lima puluh juta kali
Aku pesan padamu apa yang bakal jadi
Engkau dan aku ada mungkin tidak serasi
Engkau sangat manis aku ini pula dawai besi

Di setiap seratus lima puluh jutanya
Aku pun dalam hati semacam tak percaya
Apa kau lihat pada aku jujurkan saja
Terus kau cubit dagu aku sambil berkata

"Sayang mungkin baran tak kira masa"
"Tapi sayang tahan kalau salah yang saya"
"Sayang mungkin saja keras kepala"
"Tapi sayang manja bila kita berdua"
"Saya kenal sayang saya..."

Buat apa dicerita
Bahagia kita rasa
Biar tak dipercaya
Peduli orang kata

Baju ronyok tak apa
Asal pakai selesa
Berkilau tak bermakna
Kalau hati tak ada

Aku lebih bengis dari sang naga
Tapi bisa nangis semata demi senja
Suaraku keras tak berbahasa
Kerna aku rimas gedik mengada-ngada

Aku mudah baran tidak semena
Mana boleh tahan angin cemburu buta
Dan aku sengaja tunjuk keras kepala
Aku punya manja, kau saja boleh rasa
Rahsia kita berdua...

p/s : saya sayangkan awak si jantung hati ( Capital M )

saya kembali lagi :')

Assalamualaikum n Salam 1 Malaysia .
Known as annys . 
non-sweet 15 .
was born on 15 May 1995 .
blog sebelum ini tidak lagi aktif .
blog baru ini dibuat atas sebab2 tertentuu .
* skema glee ayat .
* sile komen oke .
* sile bg tnjuk ajar .